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Risk factors identified included smoking cigarettes, secondhand smoke, excess body weight, alcohol consumption, and consumption of red and processed meat.
Modifiable risk factors such as smoking were linked to about 40 percent of U.S. adult...
A group of researchers currently working to determine why young people are getting diagnosed with colon cancer at alarming rates wound up making some "profound" discoveries about our diets.
People who eat Western diets, characterized by high fat...
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer among men (behind prostate cancer) and women (behind breast cancer) in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society.
Nearly a quarter of a million people will be...
You wouldn’t swallow a spoonful of toxic cosmetic ingredients. But in some ways, smearing them under your arms in the form of deodorant or antiperspirant may be worse.
“When you eat something, it’s broken down by your liver and digestive system,”...